Wire Rope Accessories l Green Pin Thimbles l G-6142
Green Pin Thimbles
generally to US Fed. Spec. FF-T-276b type lll
• Material : mild steel
• Standard : generally to US Federal Specification FF-T-276b type lll
• Finish : hot dipped galvanized • Certification : a works certificate can be supplid upon request
상호 : (주)서도금속 대표 : 이재순 사업자 : 105-81-73054 경기도 군포시 당정로 76번길 17(당정동) tel : 031-456-4985 / 02-2682-4985 fax : 02-2614-5512 [관리자] e-mail : seodo@seodo.com copyright seo-do metal co.,ltd all right reserved