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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 18-01-25 16:34
P-6043 Power sling shackle
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   20170426_Green Pin Power Sling Shackle Brochure.pdf (1.1M) [0] DATE : 2018-01-25 16:34:00
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We can offer our Green Pin¢ç Power Sling shackle. The dimensions and WLL¡¯s of this product are identical to that of a standard Green Pin¢ç sling shackle, but it can save you up to 20% on the cost of your slings because it has a wider crown and higher bending efficiency. The extra lifting points attached to the shackle make it much easier and safer to install. Finish your project quicker, work safer, and save money with Green Pin¢ç Power Sling shackles!

Please note the smallest size of our Green Pin¢ç Power Sling shackle is 125T.


»óÈ£ : (ÁÖ)¼­µµ±Ý¼Ó ´ëÇ¥ : ÀÌÀç¼ø »ç¾÷ÀÚ : 105-81-73054 °æ±âµµ ±ºÆ÷½Ã ´çÁ¤·Î 76¹ø±æ 17(´çÁ¤µ¿) tel : 031-456-4985 / 02-2682-4985 fax : 02-2614-5512 [°ü¸®ÀÚ]
e-mail : seodo@seodo.com copyright seo-do metal co.,ltd all right reserved